A Manufacturing Productivity Guide - Chapter 3

It is about optimising what you have, to enable your business to make process and efficiency improvements that reap long-term rewards. The effect of digital transformation on the manufacturing industry The UK’s productivity has been slow since the 2008 financial crisis. According to ONS (Office for National Statistics) figures, between 1974 and 2008, it grew at 2.3% per year, but only 0.5% between 2008 and 2020. Compared to other countries, the UK’s productivity growth has been worse. From 2008 to 2019, the UK’s productivity only grew by 0.27%, while the United States grew at 1% and France and Germany grew at 0.7%. In 2020, the productivity gap between the UK and the rest of the G7 nations widened further, with the UK ranking 16.3% below the average output per hour for the other members of the group. This trend was attributed to various factors such as a lack of investment in research and development, poor management practices, breakdowns in communication and a shortage of skilled workers. This slowdown in productivity is not just a UK problem but an issue for most advanced economies. However, the UK has underperformed compared to other countries. Operated correctly, tools such as ERP and other technologies can go a long way to plugging this gap and improving efficiency within manufacturing.

process change, can a manufacturing enterprise both improve productivity and heighten overall efficiency. NexSys specialises in this sweet spot between effective technology, and efficient processes. Improving efficiency at every stage By implementing the right ERP+ technology stack, manufacturing businesses can attain efficiency gains, enhanced productivity, and increased agility. Be it automation of processes to gain better insights into production performance and losses or adoption of preventative maintenance techniques to eliminate bottlenecks and decrease downtime, every aspect of the manufacturing chain can be optimised with a positive impact on the company’s profitability. The NexSys approach is consultative and equally about process improvement as it is about technology customisation. It starts with our consultants gaining a thorough understanding of your business operations and the areas where SYSPRO and other technologies can provide the most significant value. The success of our approach depends not only on the technology itself but also on the business processes and workflows that are built around it. This may require re-engineering for some processes to align with our technology’s capabilities and training employees to use our systems effectively. As such, it requires continuous evaluation and refinement of the system to ensure it is meeting the evolving needs of your business. Our accessible technology stack ensures that manufacturers are in control at every stage of the supply chain; whether that is raw materials procurement, inventory management, production, product lifecycle, or even carbon tracking across distribution. It is focused around extracting more useful data from your PLCs (programmable logic controllers) that you already have but may not see and, by presenting that data in a clear, intelligible way, helping to make decisions based on that data.

By implementing the right ERP+ technology stack, manufacturing businesses can attain efficiency gains, enhanced productivity, and increased agility.

16 | A manufacturing productivity guide

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